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We help people discover greater resources within through Unlocking the Power of Song. This primarily involves an internal process that requires no musical/singing expertise or perceived capacity. 


All our work recognises the way music and health and profound well-being interrelate, and in particular how the Giving Voice Process (GV), involving Four Key Elements, can play a significant role in illuminating and facilitating this. The process can help us cope with many of life’s challenges, for instance, as well as supporting physis – the urge for growth – and helping us bring harmony to life (in both senses). 

Our new book – our most important resource!
Unlocking the Power of Song
A Companion for Challenging Times
by Jill Rakusen

Potentially for anyone –

  • whether we sing or whether we don’t
  • and whether we define ourselves as ‘musical’ or ‘unmusical’


A unique book, which defies classification


  • While it’s about the power of song, it’s not actually about singing. 
    As Jill says,


It’s a contribution to reclaiming a role for music, and in particular, song, that goes beyond the constructs of ‘musician’ versus ‘non-musician’, ‘performer’ versus ‘audience’, ‘sacred’ versus ‘profane’, and beyond the construct of music as an art or a means of manipulation, or a panacea.”

Song Cards
Song Cards


These are truly multifunctional! – they’re designed as things of beauty in their own right, as well as subtly offering an experience of a particular song; they can also be sent as a greetings card.

“I found the words on the peace card (No. 1) so helpful.”

survivor of childhood torture

Song Cards are currently available for:


  • A Song about Finding Peace (No. 1),

  • I see Beauty (No. 3),

  • Truth Song (No. 8),

  • Tallis’s Canon (No. 13),

  • A Song about Home (No. 28), and

  • Every Little Step (No. 20).

  • A ‘Tree’ of songs from the book (as displayed on page 19); 
    this card promotes the book and we do not charge for it.


Other Publications


We have also  produced a number of educational and other resources, as well as various articles – see bibliography  – and our blog is regularly added to and updated.



Songs of Universal Peace and Healing, originally made by Jill as a cassette tape (that’s how long GV has been going!), includes studio recordings of three songs in the above mentioned book (No's 1, 3 and 9) together with three more. Available on CD or as a download for £8.50.

• The ‘Peace Tape/CD’ was produced for people wanting to use song to promote peace in their lives, local communities, and the wider world. It contains two songs from our book: A Song about Finding Peace (No. 1) and The Time Has Come (No. 14); the latter is a purposeful participatory performance, recorded from ’scratch’, following 9/11 and street riots in the communities affecting the singers’ local areas. Available for a donation (suggested £5 minimum), along with Song Cards of these two songs as well.

Bespoke recordings are sometimes made for an individual on request. Please contact the Foundation if you are interested.

Foundation Membership


Foundation Membership is for people who want to support the Foundation's aims and principles, and contribute to its development. Annual membership currently costs £58 (£40 concessions).


Members’ benefits include:

  • 3-4 free members-only events per year (currently these are usually online)

  • Discounts at any Giving Voice events 

  • Telephone or online support/facilitation 

  • occasional special mailings 

  • occasional special e-mailings 





Between us (Jill, Rachel and Caroline)  we have over 40 years’ experience of offering events – in groups large or small, and/or 1-1. Since the pandemic began, there have been more sessions at a distance (largely online). Such events may involve taster sessions as well as short courses, and/or purposeful participatory events. 


Contexts where we've introduced this approach include:

 - educational, local authority, and NHS settings

 - local and national mental health organisations,

 - cancer help centres

 - women’s centres

 - spiritual and alternative health settings 

 - arts organisations and festivals

 - local, national and international conferences 

 - community, voluntary and/or campaigning groups

Caroline, Jill and Rachel

Current Events​​

Our main focus now is on enabling people to foster and strengthen their inner resources, and our events – as well as our book – largely focus on this.


Making the most of our book events​​​​​​


Developing Inner Companionship through Song with Jill and/or Caroline​


We do a rolling programme of these 2-session online mini courses.  
They are for anyone who has a copy of the book, whether or not they’re new to this approach.
Participants with health or care challenges particularly welcome.


'It was wonderful, I loved it! 


‘It was really really helpful. I really bonded with the book (I’d found it a bit daunting initially). I also got a lot from hearing what others had to say’


'Lovely time. Got a lot out of it. Looking forward to being with that song/exploring more on my own’


What’s involved? Each course involves just two 2 hour sessions, and is complete in itself. However much can be gained by attending more than one course. No musical or vocal expertise is needed, and no-one will be required to sing to the rest of the online group.  


Price: the fee is nominal – £10 for each course – but bursaries are still available for the seriously overstretched (and for those who aren’t please feel free to add a bit extra to help us keep providing bursaries – both for courses and books)


We are planning our next series of sessions so do get in touch if you are interested       



Bespoke group events or courses

These can be organised on behalf of ‘partner’ groups and organisations, tailored to their particular needs and objectives.


So for example:


an individual or group can be offered or request an event or course with a mutually agreed focus, such as ‘Challenging Times: Fostering our Inner Resources through Song’.


Such events may provide an introduction both to GV, and to the book, and to how individuals can start using this approach in their lives (regardless or musical expertise or lack of it). They may be held in-person, online, or a mixture of the two.  


The focus for these events will depend  on participants’ concerns or interests, eg:  


  • dealing with particular issues (such as life-changing illness, isolation, domestic violence, bereavement)

  • the potential role of one or more particular songs

  • exploring the Four Key Elements, Silent Singing or Towards Giving Voice  (Chapters 9, 11 and 12 in the book respectively)


Discounts on the book are available for group orders


Individual sessions

A limited number of individual sessions on making the most of this book are also available either face-to-face/in-person, online and/or via telephone, tailored to each individual. 


Our Unlocking the Power of Song Facebook Group enables participants to be in touch with others engaging with the book, and with some facilitation if desired. It also can give access to additional learning 'guides', which will be updated in response to demand. 


Giving Voice for Peace


Giving Voice for Peace currently involves a monthly evening for anyone who has already has some experience of GV, however limited. This is largely offered remotely or via our Giving Voice for Peace Facebook Group


Other events


These may occur from time to time –  with a focus on a particular issue. For example, Building the World We Want, which Caroline has been offering in Sheffield. See Recent and Future Events for latest News. 


However, It is unclear how far we’ll be able to continue with the wide variety of events offered in the past, as we are now focussing mainly on enabling people to make the most of the above-mentioned book, which is a self-directed guide. 


Nevertheless, do contact us if you  would like a taster session (see Recent and Future Events for examples) or are planning a particular event and would value purposeful participation of those present (eg for celebrating and/or fundraising). 


Group events are held in-person, on-line, or a mixture of the two.

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